He Never Leave You
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28 Have you ever feel regrets, bad-mood, alone, angry, not cared by the others, negative-thinking, and all bad-feels? And they come to you one by one until you think to do something really bad (something that contrary to conscience)? Yes, I have! I had a lot of problems since 6 months ago. Because of someone who just played with my feelings for one year, I became sad, angry, and not excited to do my activities. Plus my work & college were so busy, lived alone at dorm (because I was a clerkship, so I must lived nomadic and be separated with my bestfriends), pressure from bosses, etc. At that condition, the negative-thinks came to my mind. I became labile and hard to express my feelings to other (one of my friend told this). The results? I became a introvert in my surroundings. I cried without causes frequently (more emotional---whereas I was a ignorant-person before). I ever think to